The historic patent war between Samsung and Apple has finally comes to an end with Apple suing its rival, Samsung. However, the argument between what types of market structure both of these two kings of smart phones has yet still remains a question. Is the smart phone market a monopolistic competition or oligopoly?


Many people wondered what would have been the type of market models in the smart phone market recently. An oligopolistic market have large amount of companies that produce smartphones in the industry all over the world. There are only a handful of firms offering the great product such as Apple, Samsung, HTC and so on. Meanwhile, a monopolistic competition would occur if there were thousands of companies out there making smartphones as it certainly involve large number of suppliers. As for the type of products, they are differentiated in terms of features in the smart phones since the phones are differentiated in the Oligopoly system. It is also difficult to enter the industry due to high barriers such as patents, copyrights, advertisements and also economic of scale. Oligopoly is hence characterized by mutual independence and strategic behavior. Price implementing, quality, service and advertising strategies are parts of the market structure to expand their profits. Unlike the monopolist which has no rivals, the oligopolist have to consider how its rivals will react to any change in price, output, product characteristic and other in terms of mutual independence. Furthermore, Oligopoly system is also to be said as few number of firms that well aware of each other and anticipates each other’s moves.


Hence, after analysis the situation I believe that a smartphone is an Oligopoly. The smartphone market is similarity dominated by a handful of companies. These companies have deep relationship with the handset provides and are relationships become self-reinforcing as they grow